Group Buy

GMK CYL Delta R2 [Group Buy]

Sale price$198.00 CAD
Sold out

Group Buy Information
  • Start: Aug 1st, 2024
  • End: Sept 2nd, 2024
  • Production Completion ETA: Q1 2025
Kit Options: Base
Get the whole Delta R2 themed set!


In R1 of GMK Delta - we worked with the former designer, Emil, to create a striking black and teal set. After Delta R1, Emil turned over the IP for this set to CannonKeys.

This time around - we wanted to really lean into the set’s name - and decided to add some new elements to the set! When thinking about the word “Delta” - a few things come to mind - delta is a greek letter, delta is used to represent change, and delta is often used as a symbol in math. 

Given these three things - we wanted to integrate all of them into our 2nd round of GMK Delta. The novelty kit features iconography representative of the history of math (in our heads - how better to represent both change and math by representing the history of math). The XT/Macro column keys are all ancient representations of the concept of “zero” - which was a big leap in mathematics. We’ve also included a proof of the Pythagorean theorem - by one of everyone’s favorite Greek mathematicians/polymaths.

The Fibonacci spiral, conic sections, and trigonometry also make an appearance. And no history of math novelty set would really be complete without a nod to Leonhard Euler - both Euler’s identity and the Delta symbol (which Euler used to represent finite differences) are included in the novelties.

Of course, we are notably missing a ton of the history of math, but we also wanted to keep the novelty kit reasonable.